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Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Resolutions

Happy New Year! I wanted to make a separate post for my 2011 Resolutions even though I already posted my blogging resolutions in the latest Friday Blog Hop. 

I've also included here my 2011 Resolutions that have nothing to do with books. I figure if I put them out to the world, I'll be more likely to put effort into accomplishing them because you all can hold me accountable!

I plan on doing a quarterly follow up on my progress for these resolutions. So every 3 months I'll update everyone on how I'm doing, if I've been sticking to my goals.

Book Related Resolutions:
1. Read at least one book a week (barring any blog hiatuses that I need to take). That would make my aim for the year to read 50 books.
2. Review at least one book a week (barring any blog hiatuses that I need to take). That would mean essentially that I plan to review every book I read
3. Design my blog. Most importantly a blog banner but I would also like to make a blog button and tabs. This means I need to improve my html skills.

Non Book Related Resolutions:
1. Stop using the word "like" excessively. I am no longer a teenager so I would like to stop talking like one.
2. Use less water. In Canada and the US we use 1,400 to 1,800 TIMES more water than we need to.
3. Exercise more. I don't need to lose any weight but dang am I out of shape!


  1. Good luck with your resolutions! Looking forward to your updates!

  2. Good luck on your resolutions! I also need to do your non-book related resolution number 1 too!

    And don't worry, HTML is fairly easy :D

    Brush Up On Your Reading

  3. Goodluck with these! HTML is easy when you get the basics, drop me an email if you need any help!

  4. Hi Alyee! I just wanted to let you know that the buttons for the YA Series Challenge are posted at www.ieatwords.net :)

  5. What a great set of book and non-book related goals. I think they are all very realistic. I've never had a weight problem, but I've exercised my entire life. I run at least 2 miles every day and my heart thanks me for it.

  6. Thanks for the good luck guys!
    @I Eat Words: Yep, I got them!
    @Gina: I've never had a weight problem either but I'm young still and my metabolism is still pretty quick... it won't always be that way so I better start exercising now!

  7. Oh, my gosh. Your non-book related #1 is SO me. People make fun of me all.the.time. but I just can't help it! I hope you have better luck than me!!

  8. LOl. I totally do the word thing to much also. I've noticed lately that I tend to like the words SO and Definitely. I have a tendancy to also speak with umm's, and yeah, and uh's also. I can't help it though I'm just not a very straightforward person. You ask me a question you more than likely want get a straight answer. hehe. Good goals though.

  9. Great resolutions! I completely understand #3 in the second section. Some words seem to take over my vocabulary sooo much and it needs to stop. Hopefully we both succeed, haha. Good luck and thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a follower now! :)

    Stephanie @ Poetry to Prose

  10. Great goals for the year! I should really try to stop using the word "like" as often, too. But the more I try to prevent the use of it, the more it, like, comes out. ;)
    Looking forward to following your posts in 2011!

  11. Those are great resolutions all the way around Aylee! I'm trying to stick to my 2 book/2 reviews a week plan, but we'll see if that holds up once work picks up a little bit. And good for you with trying to exercise more, I always start out the year with that goal in mind and then I do spectacularly well at rationalizing why I don't need to exercise on any given day:)

  12. Great resolutions :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and for following! Your blog is great-- got yourself a new follower.

  13. haha, I'm relieved to hear lots of other people have the "saying the word 'like' too much" problem. And hello to all the new followers!

  14. Great resolutions! I'd like to read a book a week, too. But we'll see how that goes. Definitely use less water, especially when I'm brushing my teeth. And definitely drink more water. That's a big personal resolution! I need to exercise more, too! Get off my bum. Good luck :)

  15. Haha, I noticed that I love to use "definitely" when I write my reviews. I always have to stop myself and delete that word whenever I start writing. :) Your resolution of using the word "like" reminded me of that.

    Hey, if you need help with HTML, feel free to ask me.

    Good luck with your resolutions.

  16. @Julie: Yes, I need to drink more water, too, actually.
    @Cialina: "Definitely" is one of my favourite words, too.

  17. Great goals for 2011! :) I'm bad at HTML too. I have 3 huge HTML books but too lazy to read them.
    Good luck with your goals!

  18. Thanks for coming by. If you want to see it, it isn't offensive or whatever, just never gets off the ground and such. But, since you're in recovery you shouldn't hit theatres while HP is showing. You might weaken and run into that theater instead! ;-) Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    email: steph@fangswandsandfairydust.com
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  19. Great goals. It's hard to stop saying "like." I've never had a huge problem with it, but I use "you know" a lot more.
    I used to judge speech and debate. In this one speech that my friend was judging, a kid said the phrase "right now" over and over...just like you would say "like" or "you know." It must have sounded so weird.

  20. You're right: that would have sounded weird!

  21. Ummm... "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down." Is pretty much my philosophy too. LOL

    Like isn't so bad. I hang out with my little cousins a lot, and they have me saying, SWEET, TOTALLY, and AWESOME all the time. :D

    Good Luck with your goals hun. I know you can do it. ;)

  22. Aw, thanks. I don't know though. The number of times I say like can be kind of embarrassing sometimes. Especially when I'm nervous.

  23. Lol! Stop using "like" alot. I like that. :D I should stop using the word "Anyways" alot. >.< I use it way too much that my sisters get pissed. Use less water is a great resolution.

    Btw! I awarded you with the Stylish Blogger Award:http://unputdownablebookies.blogspot.com/2011/01/i-have-been-honored-with-stylish.html

  24. Yes, I use "anyways" a lot, too!
