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Monday, July 7, 2014

Top Ten Blogging Confessions (with Beauty and the Beast GIFs, just 'cause)

1. I can’t read a book in one sitting. I don’t understand how people can do this! I can't sit still for that long and I need breaks while reading.

2. I don’t write discussion posts because I’m convinced I have no opinions that are original and thus I have nothing to add.

3. I have only read a fraction of the books I own. Part of me feels shame over this, but part of me is EXCITED at the prospect.

4. For the life of me, I just CANNOT bring myself to DNF a book, no matter how much I'm not feeling it. I JUST CAN’T!

5. I feel a small amount of anxiety at the prospect of lending my beloved books out to family or friends because I know they won’t take as good care of them as I do.

6. I am jealous of bloggers who are eloquent writers and who can put into words thoroughly and beautifully exactly how they felt about a book.

7. For the life of me, I don't understand how anyone can call those rude, overly-confident, and possessive love interests their book boyfriends. Just no.

8. Sometimes I skim. As I say, I cannot bring myself to DNF books, so if I’m really not feeling my current read, I’ll skim it to the end.

9. When I finish a beloved book series, sometimes I feel like I’ve lost a part of myself.

10. I am someone who truly believes that being a reader makes you a better person. Reading encourages you to empathize with characters that may have had different life experiences than you have and gets you to see things from their point of view. And that’s always a good thing.


  1. NUMBER SEVEN. Thank you! I thought I was the only one! There is sanity left in the world! Great post by the way. Great blog, too!

    ~Lynette @ Escaping Reality - One Book at a Time

  2. I have a hard time not finishing books too! Although, I've read a few lately that I've really wanted to just put down.

    1. There are always some that I want to... but I just can't!!

  3. Awww!!! What an awesome list, Eilidh!!! :D I also absolutely ADORE the Beauty and the Beast gifs!!! haha

    I have to admit to feeling a few of these confessions, too...not all of them though. I do occasionally read books in a single sitting, but not too often, and it's usually only with shorter books. ;) Or those books that seem to just go really quickly as you read them. :P I also don't really like to DNF books, but I've done it. I have endured books that I hated and made myself finish a series before because I bought all of the books...and since then I learned that some books just are not worth finishing if it feels like torture. Thankfully, it's extremely rare that a book actually feels like torture. I have skimmed before, too though. ;) haha

    1. Heehee, I knew you would love the B&B gifs, you fellow Disney fan! :)

      I do WISH I could set down a book that felt like torture to read, because like you say, they're not really worth finishing. But I'm somehow just unable to! But yeah, it's rare that I come across a book that is complete torture. There is usually one redeeming quality, which encourages me to see it through to the end even if I'm really not feeling it all that much.

    2. That I do!!!! :D Disney is the bestest!!!

      I have finally gotten to the point where I make myself do it...it's hard though, a part of me always just wants to finish it anyway because I don't like to quit! haha Thank goodness for small mercies right! It would be horrible if lots of books were torture to finish. :P That's how I am, too...usually even if I dislike something, there's always a stronger part that keeps me going. :) I must admit I had to recently put down a Sarah Dessen book though! I've loved her other books so it was a bit discouraging, but I just seriously wasn't enjoying it at all! I may eventually go back to it...but I'm not in any rush. :P

    3. I need to take a leaf out of your book (not literally, of course!) and learn how to DNF books when I need to. Thankfully I can't even think of a book that I've read that was SO horrible that I couldn't have finished it.

      So sorry you had to put down Sarah Dessen (or her book, rather X))! That's a bummer. Sometimes I'll set a book aside for later, but I always do come back to it eventually.

  4. I've only read a fraction of my books as well but I know that they're there for me when the mood is right... and they're just really pretty on my shelves.lol Great list!

  5. Definitely #9. I rarely read a book in one sitting. In fact, my capacity to concentrate on a book for more than a few minutes has gone way down in recent years. I don't know if it's just distraction of TV and the Internet or if it's getting older or something else.

    1. Ehh yeah, unfortunately my capacity to concentrate has diminished BIG time. I do blame the internet, as well as smart phones -_-

  6. I can't read books in one sitting either. I always have to put a book down for a bit.

  7. I love #9 and #10... I completely agree! :) I feel really bad about DNF'ing a book and I really try hard to give keep that extra motivation to keep on reading but sometimes, it really isn't working..

    My TTT

    1. Yay! And yeah, sometimes it really isn't working for me and in those cases, it would be nice to be able to DNF them...

  8. 6 and 7!!! I can relate to those the most! Alpha males are just so.... ugh I suck at writing reviews, I tend to be in a puddle of mess while writing a single review. I just can't put into words that are woven into a fine piece of review my thoughts for a certain book. I juuust can't.

    Great list!

    1. It's so hard!! And I find that the more a book means to you, the harder it is to put into words exactly what it meant!!

  9. Number 9 - I feel the same way! And I almost DNF a book either, it just feels wrong for me.

  10. Great list! I totally agree with you on numbers 3, 6 and 9, and while I used to not be able to DNF I have become better at this... Although it still feels a bit wrong!

    My TTT

    1. Thanks! It feels SO wrong to me, I wish I could change that!

  11. I love your list so much :)
    I'm terrified of writing discussion posts on my blog, so few people visit anyway :O
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

    1. Thank you :) And that's not a good reason for not writing reviews :P

  12. I have TONS of books on my shelf that I haven't read. I like to think I'm prepared for the day when I can't buy anymore books OR when the apocalypse comes and I'm trapped in my house.

    And there are some people who are AWESOME at writing reviews! I'm terrible at it ... I'll have to write another one soon and I'm thinking of changing it up somehow since I can never put into words my thoughts on a book.

    Great list!

    1. Yes, TOTALLY!! It's not a bad habit at all, I'm just being prepared...

      Oh, you're not terrible at it! You're practically prolific. But there's nothing wrong with wanting to change up your system a bit.

  13. I have become ruthless about DNFing books that I'm just not that into, because I've realized I will never, ever have enough hours, days, weeks, months in my life to read all the wonderful books that are just my kind of book before i die, so why would I spend time on the ones that are somebody else's wonderful, but not hitting my buttons? I'm glad you skim, though.

    I'm also so relieved to have seen your blog title on Broke and Bookish link list, because I'd just hit two or three in a row who -- gasp!!!- have never read Harry! Excuse me while I fan myself and inhale my smelling salts!

    1. I need to be more like that!! I mean, I'm totally with you and your mindset, but for some reason I just feel like I owe it to the author, the book to see it through to the end. It doesn't make much sense and I wish I could shake myself out of that mindset.

      haha, oh no THE HORROR!! Jeez, some people!

  14. I could probably do with reading breaks but I just get so FOCUSED and then I'm consumed 'til unholy night with a bookhangover to look forward to the next day. Haha, I've only read half of what I own but it's not as big an accomplishment as most would think xDD Ew to bad book boyfriends. And I rarely lend anybody a book. Unless I'm certain it'll come back perfect. And HUZZAH FOR GREAT READER PEOPLE. YOU SAID IT.

    Also also: Missed ya, darling! I'm at a new blog now. ;D

    1. Wow, well I wish I could be more like you then! My ability to concentrate has diminished so much in the last few years, unfortunately. Heehee, thanks Amara, glad you agree :) And ohh, I was bummed when it seemed like you had stopped blogging! Glad that wasn't actually the case.

  15. Besides being able to DNF I agree with everything you said and the Gif choices matched those sentiments perfectly!!

  16. I have only DNF'd a few books, but they were just so bad I could not continue. Usually I'll pull through. Number seven! Oh my god, yes. I read some of these books and just cannot believe that people actually like these characters (Beautiful Disaster, anyone?)!

    Here are my Confessions!

    1. I guess maybe it's a good thing that none of the books I've read were THAT bad? And yeah, I SO do not see the appeal of those guys!

  17. I also have anxiety about lending out my beloved books. There are a few select people that I trust. I have the losing a part of myself with the end of books as well. I am pretty sure that some of my books are horcruxes due to the sheer amount of me that is invested in them.

    1. Ha!! But like the good version of a horcrux, right?? But yeah, pretty much! X)

  18. These are all great! I'm sure I've DNFed books before, but I tend to not like too either. I try and finish reading the book as often as I can. I also think that reading makes you a better person. I have learned so much from reading through the years and it really has made me a more open, empathizing person.

    1. Yeah, I don't know, there's just something that I don't like about it -_-

      And yay!! Glad you agree and that you have benefitted from it.

  19. Great list! I can relate to quite a few of these confessions, so you're not alone! And you're right, I don't understand how anyone can read a book in one sitting. My head and neck would kill me!

  20. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that your top 10 picks could pretty much be my own.

    1. I don't think I have ever read a book in one sitting either. I wish I could though but usually my attention span tends to falter after awhile and I need to do something else. I might return to reading in a bit but it needs to be broken up throughout the day.

    2. I don't write discussion posts either. I want too but man it feels like everything significant has been discussed before - probably better than if I had done it too so I just sit quietly LOL

    3. I also only read a fraction of the books I own...sometimes I feel like I'm forever lost in books and will drown in them...but that's kind of exciting too XD

    4. I RARELY DNF books. I think I might have done so 2 times. So the books were BAAAD. But usually, like you I will plow through to the end. I think it's a bit of OCD on my part >.<

    5. I feel a HUGE amount of anxiety over lending books because I've lent some to good friends in the past and never saw them again O.O So I now have a NO-lending rule, which applies to everyone except my mom haha

    6. I'm also jealous of the freaking awesome reviews I read all the time from bloggers. Sometimes it makes me feel like a huge loser at writing period and wonder why I can't be as eloquent and awesome as you all seem to be able to! it's SO HARD to accurately describe a book...and the feels it brings.

    7. Yeah I'm not big on rude, overly-confident, possessive guys, bookish or otherwise. I don't know why girls fall for those types but it makes me sad. :( But I guess when your book crushes involve Harry Potter, Chaol Westfall and Akiva it's pretty hard to relate XD

    8. I guess I sort of skim too if I'm close to DNFing but feel the need to finish. I tend to think of it as going over the boring/pointless stuff hahaha

    9. YES! THIS! SO MUCH! It's like books are our own version of a Horcrux (a good kind maybe) and when we finish them, they take a bit of our soul with them.

    10. Aaaand YES to this one as well! I think reading makes people better, makes us think and question things we might not otherwise. It makes people smarter, makes us discuss things and above all makes us FEEL things. And that's always good :)

    Awesome list Aylee ♥♥♥

    1. Heehee!! It's because you're my book twin!!

      1. Definitely. I do wish I could read and read without any lapse in concentration, but that's just not doable for me!

      2. Yup, pretty much exactly how I feel -_-

      3. Drowning in books? Yes, please!

      4. OCD, yeah maybe. I do feel this compulsive need to see them through to the end after all...

      5. OH NOES!! That would be so sad if they went missing forever! I can trust my mum, as well :)

      6. Awww, no way, you do a GREAT job with your reviews!! I know it FEELS that way, but you're definitely your own worst critic.

      7. Heehee! Yup, all the best book boyfriends get by without any of that Alpha crap so why can't the rest of them?

      8. Yes, it's definitely a sign that I am NOT interested.

      9. Ha!! That's just so perfect X)

      10. That's ALWAYS good :D

      Thank you SO MUCH for the epic comment, Micheline!! You are the bestest <3

  21. I used to be able to read books in one sitting but it's so much harder now to find the time to do that. I think if I'm really loving a book or just trying to procrastinate, I can read a book in two to three sittings. 2, 3, 5 and 7 totally apply to me, but 4 is so not true; I DNF books like crazy and/or plan to return to them in the future! My kindle is full of books at various points that I'm going to finish "someday."

    1. It's not that I don't have the time... well I guess it kind of is because I'm a crazy slow reader and would need LOADS of time to sit and read a book. It's more because I would get distracted after a while. I do wish I could take on more of an attitude like you have towards DNFing books! But I'm more likely to leave them for someday, as well.

  22. I looove number 7. It is hard to read a book in one sitting, I never have a large enough block of time to only dedicate to reading, plus I'd get restless.

    1. Yes, both those things! Restless and don't have a large enough block of time.

  23. You're number ten--- discussion post right there- You do have something to add/say. I feel the exact same way about reading and how enriching it is to one's life. But some people (mostly non readers) think that's kind of snobby- I am glad I am not the only who feels like reading makes the world a better place.

    I also can't read a book in one setting... if I do, it's probably because it's hot and impossible to do anything else but either read or watch TV. But even then... nope.

    I loved your list, Aylee, and everything you talked about totally resonated with me, and I loved the Beauty and the Beast gifs.. they were awesome!

    1. Oh, but what I've written here pretty much sums up for I have to say on the subject!! I don't know how much I could expand it... it's too bad non-readers think that makes us snobby!!

      Heh yeah, it would be difficult to read in one sitting even with those conditions I think!

      Aww, thanks, Sara!! Glad it resonated with you.

  24. I love that you included Beauty & the Beast GIFs<333

    #5, YES. A while back I had lent one of my books to my visiting aunt and I caught her as she was about to dog-ear one of my beloved books and I went NOPE and got a bunch of bookmarks for her to choice from. She looked at me like I had three heads but sorry not sorry. #noregrets

    You should so try discussion posts!!! I feel the same way but once I finally wrote up my first discussion post, it felt awesome!!! And I can't remember where I read this quote but the gist was that it's true that maybe you're saying something that's already been stated but it's coming from YOU so that counts.

    1. Heehee, glad you enjoyed them :D

      Omigawd I would have a heart attack if I caught a family member doing that to one of my books!! You did what you had to do.

      I think maybe I could give discussion posts a go sometime... haven't ever tried so how do I know if I could manage them or not. And I think I know what you're saying and feel the same way - thanks, Sandy!

  25. Oh yes, having many books still to read is both wonderful and can also be a little nervewracking. I'm a lot calmer about it if they're not library or review copies, but sometimes it is difficult to get through all the books like you want! You summed it up pretty well! (:

    1. It can be pretty nerve-wracking if they're review copies, that's for sure!! That's why I'm always sure to get those out of the way ASAP!

  26. +JMJ+

    I should watch Beauty and the Beast again! Your GIFs make me want to do a drinking game for every time a book shows up in the story. ;-)

    The only time I felt bad for owning unread books was when my younger brothers outgrew our readalong times. I still had a whole stack of MG novels that I had bought so we could read them together (or even separately), but I knew my non-reader brothers would never get to them and I'd be reading them alone, if ever.

    1. Heehee, I was thinking the exact same thing as I was putting the gifs together for this post! But it might be dangerous to make a drinking game out of it though!!

  27. LOVE the Beauty and the Beast gifs!!!! Makes me want to sit and have a Disney marathon:) I'm with you on DNFing a book Aylee, it's almost impossible for me to do that as well. I just feel so guilty not finishing, and I can't help but hold out hope that somehow the story will magically get better if I just keep going:) Usually, that's not the case, but oh well:)

    1. Omigawd can we have a Disney marathon together?? What about a book blog community-wide marathon? Now that would be fun. And yeah, that's how I feel about DNFing and I also always make an effort to find at least one redeemable quality in each book I read.

  28. I am not a one-sitting reader either! I need to take breaks to process everything. I definitely wouldn't be able to form coherent opinions if I did this!
    And I write very few discussion posts for the same reason. Fear of unoriginality, and, also, because the norm type of post seems to be short and just not go into any depth or draw any conclusions and I can't write like that (and I know people wouldn't want to read essentially super long discussion essays haha).
    Aww I love your #10. So well put and so true!
    And yay for the B&B gifs - they make everything better. :)

    1. Yeah, definitely! A lot of it is an inability to concentrate, but also if it's a book I'm really enjoying, I like to take a moment to let it sink in and truly appreciate it!

      Oh, I don't know. I think there are definitely people out there who would be keen on discussion posts no matter how long they are! Especially if they have SUBSTANCE.

      Thanks, Amanda!! So glad you liked this ^^

  29. *hugs*
    I love, love, love your post! and that's what I cal an excellent use of gifs! And I'm totally with you on point 7, those kind of guys do nothing at all for me.

    1. Awww *hugs back* Thanks, Alex. I've never really made a gif-laden post before so I wasn't sure I was doing it right.

  30. Love the B&B gifs! I'm definitely with you on #5 and yes, I have a hard time with DNF too especially when I know how much time and thought went into the book.

    1. Thanks, Rummanah! Yeah, I do feel like I owe it to the author in a way to make it through to the end!

  31. Beauty and the Beast gifs make everything better! I wholeheartedly support your decision to include them :D

    1. Yay! I'm not alone. I get restless too.

    2. DISAGREE! I would love to hear what you have to say, and I'm 100% sure you have so many unique thoughts to bring to the table

    5. I feel exactly the same! I feel like I'm giving away a child, letting my books go out into the cold, dark world.

    great list, Aylee! :D

    1. :D:D So glad you agree, Courtney!! I do love my B&B.

      Awww, I'm not so sure about the unique thoughts part... but I may give it a go sometime. And I definitely appreciate that you feel that way ^^

      Haha, like giving a way a child! If only other people would treat them as such.


    2. But you dooooo! I want to know how you feel about things :D
    6. Me too! Sometimes I see those beautiful reviews and I'm just.. give me some of your talents, please?
    9. YES. YES.
    10. I don't think I would be the same person I am today without reading and books in my life. I seriously don't understand how people live without books :p

    1. Heehee, I knew you would appreciate the B&B included in this post :)

      2. Aww, well that's nice! I'm still not so sure though...
      6. YES, totally!!
      9. :D
      10. Right??

  33. Aww, sorry to hear that about a series you have been reading since primary school! That would be so hard to say goodbye. I've only read the first Skulduggery Pleasant book, but I loved it!
