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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Giveaway: Dark Mirror and Choker

Wotcher! I'm not celebrating any milestone or anniversary on the blog or anything... just thought I would have a giveaway. I'll be giving away Dark Mirror by M.J. Putney and Choker by Elizabeth Woods. I won both of these books in giveaways and don't plan on ever rereading them again so I thought I would give them to someone else to read and free some room on my bookshelf at the same time.

1. To enter, fill out the form below
2. Open Internationally
3. Ends October 2 at 11:59 PM EST
4. Entrants must be at least 13 years old
5. The winner will be announced on the blog and will have 48 hours to send me an email with their address.
Note: These are not new books; I have read them before. They are, however, in very good condition.


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I have been wanting to read Dark Mirror for a while. :)

  2. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I have a couple on my blog for ARCs if you're interested.

    Xpresso Reads

  3. I'm a new follower, saw you on a friend's blog, and I absolutely love your blog! Recovering Potter Addict??! OMG amazing. Your banner is ridiculously cute. I share your addiction :)

  4. Awesome giveaway! I sadly cannot enter because I am overwhelmed with school and my other books now, but good luck to those that enter. =)

  5. I haven't read either of them, but have been wanting to. Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  6. Hey!! Congrats on the anniversary! :D

  7. Awesome! Thanks so much Aylee, I've wanted to read both of these. I've heard Choker is disturbing despite it's pretty peach/pink cover:)

  8. Thanks Aylee!

    This giveaway reminds me of the time I tried passing off my bad books on you. I'm not saying these are bad, but it did make me laugh when you said you didn't plan on EVER reading them again.

  9. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I've been wanting to read Choker, but our library doesn't have it.

  10. Missie: Oh no, you're on to me! Yeah, these weren't my favourite books ever...

  11. Thanks for the giveaway op! I haven't read either book yet, but I'm always willing to give a book a chance!


  12. Wow, I came back at a good time! Cool giveaway :) I've been wanting to read Dark Mirror for a while now!

  13. Cool giveaway, Aylee! Thanks for thinking of us. :)

  14. i just finished the sequel to dark mirror and i'd love to read this one! thanks!
