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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guest Post: When I'm Not Reading at The Unread Reader

Just stopping by quickly to let you know that I am featured this week in Missie's (The Unread Reader) When I'm Not Reading feature in which I attempt to make my life sound interesting and fail. I actually wrote this weeks ago when it was super cold outside. It is now about 40 degrees Celsius warmer (thank goodness!). Also, I've since finished work on the cervical of the hadrosaur and have moved on to the dentary (lower jaw). My dog is still a you-know-what though.

Hope everyone's doing well! Must get back to thesis writing now... Ugh.


  1. hi! read your guest post in Missie's blog. i also stalk her blog (including yours) like crazy! anyway, just wanna say good luck with your thesis. i graduated college a long time ago and i know how it felt like... it's like THE ultimate school project! LOL! oh and... your dog looks so adorable! have fun with your final year of college! ^_^

  2. Have fun, right! I try my best but it's difficult with everything going on. Anyways, thank you so much! :)

  3. Glad I got you early, before the hiatus. Thanks again so much Aylee. And best of luck.

    Kisses to Fergus!

  4. Loved your guest post! Your puppy is very cute. So glad that we are finally getting some spring weather here in Alberta...finally!! :0)

  5. Oh you Canadians and your Celsius degrees. I'm looking at you with a blank stare right now. I love when I travel abroad and try to watch the news for weather advice, as if I have any clue whether or not 20 degrees Celsius is warm or not. :P

    Off to read you at Missie's!

  6. The Metric System is the way of the future! Get with it!

  7. This is so much fun! I'll go see
