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Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Week Hiatus

I really regret having to announce this but I can't see any other way around it: I need to take a five week hiatus from blogging. Unfortunately, with everything that I have going on in my life currently, blogging has the lowest priority no matter how much I enjoy it. You may have noticed that my posting and commenting has been a little slow the past few months. Not to be too melodramatic or anything, but I'm actually worried for the state of my sanity if I don't take a break from blogging at this time. For real. Well okay, maybe that was a bit overdramatic.

I had to take a similar break in December but whereas that was only for two weeks, this break needs to be much longer as not only do I have finals to contend with this time, but also a term paper, a final project, and my thesis. And a boyfriend that I'm not going to be able to see for the rest of the year so I feel like I need to spend as much time as possible with him now. And at the end of all that I'm going to New York City for a week as a kind of reward for finishing my undergraduate degree.

It is possible that I may be able to pop in to post some reviews... though unlikely. Blog commenting is also going to be light in this time. Please understand that even if I don't necessarily have time to leave meaningful comments on your posts, I am reading them.

As with the last time I had a blog hiatus, I plan on holding another giveaway when I get back as a show of appreciation to all my followers who were so patient with me during this very stressful time in my life.

Alright, see you in May! I'm going to miss you guys horribly. And this time I'm being completely serious and not at all being overdramatic in saying that.


  1. *waves* I will miss you Aylee! But totally understand if you need a break. I feel ya! I've been blogging for a straight year. Yikes! I'll probably need hiatus soon, too. I hope everything works out for you. Don't get too stressed!! See you soon :D

  2. Good luck with everything, Aylee! Enjoy your break and I'll look forward to your return! :)

  3. Best of luck with everything! Hopefully everything turns out in your favor... We'll miss you! See you in May :)

  4. Awwwwwh! We'll miss you! Focus on getting all your projects finished and come back! I'll probably do the same thing when I do my thesis. All the best to you Aylee! See you in May!

  5. We'll miss you! But real life is more important. Good luck on finishing up school.

  6. Take all the time you need. I'll miss you and be here when you come back :)

  7. You definitely have a lot going on Aylee, I completely understand needing a break from blogging to take care of it all:) We'll all still be here when you get back! Enjoy spending time with your boyfriend and good luck on your finals and papers!

  8. Ah, my friend. I feel your pain. I'm slowly losing my sanity too. I'm getting to a point where my "required" school reading is taking up so much time and just for fun reading is having to wait. I'm trying hard not to give up the blogging but I may have to take a break too.

    Of course you will be missed, but we will be here when you get back. Congrats on being at the homestretch! The pay off will be that day you get to hold that B.S. in Common Sense in your hands!

    And I will continue to play with Paint and think of you and how much better my Paint skills are. ;)

  9. I'll miss reading your posts, but totally get that you need a break. I had to take a brief hiatus myself a few weeks ago. Congrats on having almost finished your degree and on the trip to New York City!! :)

  10. I totally understand why you need to take a break! See you when you get back! :)

  11. Wow you're finishing your undergrad! You've accomplished so much, you deserve a break. Good luck on your work, have fun with your bf and go crazy in NY! We'll all be waiting for you :]

  12. Awwwww. Everyone needs a break! Good luck with everything. Maybe I'll somehow run into you when you visit New York City. ;)

  13. Good luck on your exams, Aylee! I completely sympathize with your plight. Enjoy spending time with your boyfriend, have fun in NYC and we'll see you when you get back!

  14. Sorry to hear that Aylee! But hey, we will all still be here when you get back!

  15. Aww no! We're going to miss you soo much!
    But good luck on your exams, and we'll be waiting for you to come back!
    Enjoy your break!

  16. Don't worry about it for a second! Enjoy lots of time with your bf and hopefully get in some good time for yourSELF.

  17. I totally understand wanting to have as much time with your guy before not seeing him for a while. That is definitely more important then blogging. Enjoy your time together.
    And I hope everything else goes smoothly.

    You will be missed though! So make sure you come back :D

  18. Will miss your posts!
    Good luck with everything and l hope New York is a great reward for all your hard work.

  19. Totally understand! Congrats on the degree and enjoy the trip to New York!! :0)

  20. Take all the time you need. Enjoy those last days of college and by all means, shower the b/f with love! I'll miss your comments and posts - they always made my day even if I took forever to answering and reading! I am a once-a-week kind of girl, since I spend so much time on the computer. LOL. Enjoy NYC, too!

  21. I am so with you in this boat. I just got back from my vacation and it was kind of nice not to have the blog hanging over me. With the thesis project this quarter I am feeling the pressure and may end up joining you as well. :/

    I'll still be here when you get back and good luck!!
