The Annual End of Year Book Survey is hosted by The Perpetual Page-Turner

In chronological order read: The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Fire and Thorns Trilogy by Rae Carson, Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas, and Vicious by V.E. Schwab. I read lots of great books this year, but these are the ones that ended up sticking with me weeks, months later.
2. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read?
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child had a ton of bizarre surprises in store and I'm still not really sure what to think of them...
3. Best series you started in 2016? Best Sequel of 2016? Best Series Ender of 2016?
Definitely The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
4. Favorite new author you discovered in 2016?
Rae Carson! I was blown away by her Fire and Thorns Trilogy.
5. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?
I usually avoid depressing contemporary books like the plague, but I must admit that Me Before You by Jojo Moyes was a great reading experience.
6. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?
The Fire and Thorns Trilogy by Rae Carson - these books are so fast-paced, they accomplish more plot-wise in a few chapters than the average book, which takes thrice as long.
7. Book You Read In 2016 That You Are Most Likely To Re-Read Next Year?
I would love to do a series reread of The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, probably via audiobook.
8. Favorite cover of a book you read in 2016?
9. Most memorable character of 2016?
Laura Ingalls from the Little House Series quickly won me over with her spunky tomboy spirit and I loved reading about her journey growing up as a pioneer in the Northwest US. Also: Marvin, the chronically depressed robot, from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
10. Most beautifully written book read in 2016?
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
11. Most Thought-Provoking/ Life-Changing Book of 2016?
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I wouldn't say this book was life-changing, but it definitely gave me a ton to think about.
13. Book you can’t believe you waited UNTIL 2016 to finally read?
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams! That book was originally published in 1979, is a classic, and is right up my alley so I don't know what took me so long.
14. Shortest & Longest Book You Read In 2016?
Longest: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas - 648 pages
Shortest: one of the numerous children's picture books I read to kids during my summer job
15. Book That Shocked You The Most
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff had some insanely fun shocking moments!
16. OTP OF THE YEAR (you will go down with this ship!)
Yorick and Agent 355 from Y: The Last Man by Brian Vaughan.
17. Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship Of The Year
The Raven Boys + Blue, from the The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater.
18. Favorite Book You Read in 2016 From An Author You’ve Read Previously
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. I had previously read The Scorpio Races - an all-time favourite of mine - so it is no wonder The Raven Cycle was a WIN for me in 2016.

When I heard from Micheline of Lunar Rainbows that the audiobook of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was read by the inimitable Stephen Fry, I KNEW I had to have it!
20. Best Worldbuilding/Most Vivid Setting You Read This Year?
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.
21. Book That Put A Smile On Your Face/Was The Most FUN To Read?
For sure The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams!
22. Book That Made You Cry Or Nearly Cry in 2016?
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.
23. Book That Crushed Your Soul?
The final volume of Y: The Last Man by Brian Vaughan.
24. Most Unique Book You Read In 2016?
Saga by Brian Vaughan and The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente. HELLO creativity!!
25. One Book You Didn’t Get To In 2016 But Will Be Your Number 1 Priority in 2017?
Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass #5) by Sarah J. Maas
26. Book You Are Most Anticipating For 2017 (non-debut)?
Throne of Glass #6 by Sarah J. Maas - the series ender!!
I started the Throne of Glass series this year and enjoyed it. I actually made my student book club read it so I could finally read it! Lol, I'm so bad. I still need to read the Raven Cycle series..I know I keep saying this but I have this irrational fear that it won't live up to my expectations since everyone loves it so much. I really need to get over that. I also need to the Fire and Thorns series too. Looks like you had a great reading year!
ReplyDeleteOh I know, I know. Try not to let the hype get to you though! That's what I tried to do and when I went into it, I instantly fell in love with those characters.
DeleteYaaasssss Rae Carson <3 <3 <3 ... also, did I somehow miss that you were reading Y: The Last Man? 'Cause I feel like that series needs more love in general, too.
ReplyDeleteHmm, well I never really posted a review or anything on the blog for Y: The Last Man. (I've never officially reviewed a graphic novel before). But yes, I thought the whole thing was excellent!
DeleteThis was the year of the Raven Cycle for you eh, I also finished the series this year as well- the only book I really loved was Blue Lily, Lily Blue- But I really loved that one. Don't ask me how the series ends though- cause I have no idea. I really should relisten to them. Maybe I'd appreciate them more. I really want to read, or listen to The Hitchhiker's Guide. It sounds so fun. I am inspired by all the books you read an loved. I had a lot of fun looking through your wrap up this year. I loved seeing what you loved reading.
ReplyDeleteCheers to 2017-- yikes.
Thanks Sara! I might not have known what was happening had I listened to the finale via audiobook either, heh. Maggie's writing is pretty subtle.
DeleteYup, 2017 already!
Gah, Saga is so good. I need to read the newest volume though. I read The Raven Boys this year too (FINALLY) but I still need to read The Raven King. Besides that, I've read and loved the first three. I can't believe I haven't read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy either. I want too! OMG! Stephen Fry narrates it? Gah, I wish I could do audiobooks - I love that man and his voice is ideal for storytelling. I just really want to listen to HP with him narrating too. haha
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing! Looks like you had a fab year of reading.
Yes, you should give the HP and HGttG audiobooks a go!! Even if audiobooks aren't your thing. It might be easier to follow if you've read the books already!
DeleteI loved Illuminae and Vicious too! I remember loving the first book in The Fire and Thrones trilogy but need to catch up on the others. In fact, I might need to reread the first book since it's been so long that I've forgotten a lot of it.
ReplyDeleteOhh then yes, I would def recommend rereading the first book!
DeleteI haven't read "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" yet - I want to do a full Harry Potter reread though ASAP. And then reading the new HP would be like a great conclusion to that. I've read a few mixed reviews on it though - sounds like there was definitely a lot to process!
ReplyDeleteYeah... ultimately you should read it for yourself and form your own opinion though.
DeleteI love Saga! That series is so amazing. And if I'm being totally honest, I read HP + the Cursed Child this year and have basically forgotten everything that happened in it... whoops!
ReplyDeletehah, I need to reread it sometime too.
DeleteThe Cursed Child and Me Before You were both books on my tbr this year and sadly didn't get around to reading either of them. I will have to make that a priority in 2017. Have a wonderful new year in reading!
ReplyDeleteIsn't that always the way? Thanks for stopping by :)
DeleteI love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! I need to re-read that. Also, I still haven't read Me Before You. I feel like I need to be in a different frame of mind for that story. I love that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child made it to your list too. Also, Maggie Stiefvater is the best. And I absolutely adore the Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her Own Making. That is such a fun, unique series for sure! Happy holidays! And happy new year!
ReplyDeleteThanks Nori! And I would agree with you about Me Before You.
DeleteHitchhiker's Guide is one of my favorites!!! So glad you loved it.
ReplyDeleteMe too :)
DeleteYou read a lot of great books- and The Raven King and Maggie made my list (as did several of your top books). Hope 2017 is even better!
ReplyDeleteIlluminae was so good! Definitely shocking. I've got Gemina on my Christmas wishlist, though I'm a bit nervous about it! I loved Queen of Shadows too, though I've still got to catch up on The Raven Cycle books! In regard to Cursed Child...I can't bring myself to read it, I really can't. Controversial, I know, but I found out what happens, and despite being a huge HP fan, it sounds terrible. I don't want to ruin the series for myself. In my mind, Cursed Child is fan fiction, and HP ended with "all was well". I am really glad so many people have enjoyed it, but for me...nope.
ReplyDeleteI understand that sentiment re: HPatCC completely, Liz.
DeleteI know what you mean about Me Before You. It's one of my favourite books and it does certainly make you think. I felt the same way about Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. :-) Loved to read your survey!
DeleteI am so jealous that you were able to read THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY and READY PLAYER ONE for the first time. I love both of those books. I also and a huge, huge fan of the RAVEN CYCLE series. I am always feeling simpatico with other readers who also love them. I'd be honored if you would take a peek at my 2016 Book Survey. Thanks so much HeadFullofBooks Book Survey 2016
ReplyDeleteI'm glad, thanks for stopping by :)
DeleteI have heard endless good things about The Raven Cycle yet I still haven't read it. Why? I'M ASKING MYSELF THE SAME QUESTION. Definitely will be reading it in the new year!
ReplyDeleteKyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
My End of Year Survey!
Yes, you absolutely must!
DeleteI started reading your post last week but ended up getting busy and never finishing. Le sigh. Anyway, you've certainly motivated me to start the Fire & Thorns series - I own the first book and have, of course, heard wonderful things about it but seeing it featured so prominently here is the kick in the butt I clearly need LOL!
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing The Raven Cycle so much here too ♥ as well as Queen of Shadows, Illuminae, Ready Player One, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Fairland :D 2016 certainly seems to have been a stellar bookish year for you my friend! Here's to an even better 2017!! xx
PS- my survey will be up tomorrow XD
It's great to see how much you liked the Rae Carson trilogy! I absolutely love her and her books and you're right! That trilogy definitely has a lot to offer.
ReplyDeleteAll of The Raven Cycle book covers are so beautiful! I read all of those books this year and just LOVED them. :D
ReplyDeleteLove your website layout!
ReplyDeleteI was going to read Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy this year too, but when I went to read it I couldn't find the book. It's missing somewhere...
I haven't read the Raven Cycle books yet, but from what I keep hearing about that series, it sounds good!
ReplyDeleteHere’s my 2016 End of Year Book Survey!
Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog
I think I'm going to need to check out Me Before You, especially since there is now a film of it. Have you seen the movie? Also, I keep hearing about Saga... I don't tend to read a lot of graphic novels, would you say it's one that would be good for someone who's fairly new to the genre?
ReplyDeleteYou know, Saga was the first graphic novel I ever got into so I would say YES, I would recommend it to you as a newbie! :) It's a lot of fun.
DeleteAnd no, I haven't seen the movie yet. It's on my TBW list though!
2016 was a rough year and even though I read 160 books (& many of them very good!) I barely remember them so I couldn't make any lists.
ReplyDeleteI do wan to read Ready, Player, One this year though.
Karen @For What It's Worth
Karen @For What It's Worth
Gorgeous post Aylee :D Loved reading this awesome post of yours. <3 Hugs. And aw, yay for The Raven Cycle being mentioned so often :D Yay. I hope you will read tons of awesome books this new year too. <3