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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Waiting On Wednesday (7): Male Protagonists

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill of Breaking The Spine in which an upcoming, eagerly anticipated release is highlighted on the blog.

I've been thinking about only participating in this meme once a month instead of every week, and including more books when I post. And I'll come up with some sort of theme for the books I'm waiting for.

This month, I'm "waiting on" books with Male Protagonists:

Title: Human .4
Author: Mike A. Lancaster
Publisher: EgmontUSA
Date: March 8, 2011

Humanity, like computers, can be upgraded.  And old versions disappear. . . . At some unspecified point in the future, when technology is as advanced as possible and we are a race of super beings, some old audio tapes are discovered.  On the tapes is the story of fourteen-year-old  Kyle Straker. Hypnotized, Kyle missed the upgrade of humanity to 1.0.  He isn't compatible with our new technology. And through the recording, he narrates what the upgrades really mean.  And it's absolutely terrifying.

Title: Future Imperfect
Author: K. Ryer Breese
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Date: April 26, 2011

When 17-year-old Ade Patience knocks himself unconscious, he can see the future. However, he’s also addicted to the high he gets when he breaks the laws of physics. And while he’s seen things he’s wanted to change, Ade knows The Rule: You can’t change the future, no matter how hard you try.

Title: Witch Eyes
Author: Scott Tracey
Publisher: Flux
Date: September 2011

Braden Michaels wears his sunglasses at night. And at the movies. And in the shower. Raised by his warlock uncle and taught to use magic, he suffers from a deadly curse: the witch eyes. He sees everything that normal eyes filter out: history and memory; love and pain; magic and darkness. The mind was not meant to process so much information, though, and the power is killing him slowly. The only thing saving his sanity are the sunglasses he always wears.

I don't have a preference of male or female protagonists in books but there is something just more special about male protagonists because they are so rare in the books that I read. I find that I look extra forward to reading them because of that. All three of these picks have superb and fascinating premises and I can't wait to get my hands on them!

How about you? Are you waiting on any of these books with male protagonists? Are there any upcoming books with male protagonists that aren't included here that you feel I should know about?


  1. I'll have to add Human .4 and Witch Eyes to my wishlist since they sound pretty interesting. Future Imperfect was already on it :)

  2. Oooh great theme! I actually can't think of any books I'm looking forward to with a male protagonist...it's kind of sad. I'll have to change that!

  3. Witch Eyes is the only book that I am familiar with. But three of them sounds interesting.

    Male Protagonist? hhmmm..Bandits , the book in my Waiting on Wednesday, has him :D
    you can check it out

  4. Witch Eyes freaks me out everytime I see the cover lol but in a good way.

    Our WOW

  5. Ooh, definitely going to check those out! I've heard of some of these in passing, but couldn't remember the titles. Looking forward to all of them! =)

    @BLHmistress--I totally agree. Creepy in a good way!

  6. I totally agree with you about Witch Eyes that's why it's also one of my anticipated reads this year! :) Here's my WoW for this week!

  7. Witch Eyes is a new title for me and looks interesting. I will add it to my waiting list too. Great picks!

  8. I haven't heard of any of these, so thanks for letting me know about them! I'm going to have to do some research, now :P

    Here's what I'm waiting on!

  9. I've been eying on Witch Eyes... Thanks for the share!^^ My WoW

  10. Witch Eyes sound and looks really awesome. I'm so adding it to my TBR pile. My first time hearing about all three of these books. So I should say thank you Aylee! :D

    My WoW

  11. Witch Eyes has a great cover. I really like reading books w/male protags. It's refreshing.

  12. Witch Eyes sounds wonderful... it will definitely go on my list! I do try and find books with male protagonists, but they are hit and miss sometimes.

  13. We'd love to see you every week, but I like your idea of grouping your picks together by theme!

  14. I so want 0.4/ Human 4! Sounds go good. Great picks

  15. I want to read all of these! Human .4 sounds especially good.

  16. I *LOVE* Male Protagonists! You're right, they are rare and all the more precious for it. Adding these to my wishlist.

    Here is my WoW :)

  17. This is a really great list Aylee! I have added a bunch of them to my TBR list now!

  18. Glad everyone likes my picks and the theme!

    Karen: I agree. It depends on if the author does a good job creating a realistic character.

    Jill: Thanks. And thanks for putting together this meme every week!

  19. Aylee,

    Freaking Brilliant idea. I like the theme thing. If you get a schedule of sorts together, I want in. :D

    And I agree, because male protagonists are rare, I look forward to them. I definitely have all of these on my TBR.

  20. Yay for male protagonists! I like the idea, too. Human .4 and Future Imperfect look really good. I'm not so sure about Witch Eyes. I think the cover creeps me out! I'm happy he has to wear sunglasses. LOL. But the story catches my interest.

  21. here's mine http://tributebooksmama.blogspot.com/2011/02/waiting-on-wednesday.html

  22. Great idea! I don't read enough from the male prospective. I can't wait to look up Human .4!

  23. Did you ever read Girl Parts? Thats another one I need to read with a male point of view.

  24. I love the sound of all of these, Aylee! Witch Eyes is probably my new favourite upcoming novel :)

  25. I'm really looking forward to Human.4 too! I've read a few positive reviews that made it sound really good.

    I like your idea for making WoW themes. :)

  26. Ok, WOW! I hadn't heard of Human .4 or Witch Eyes before and they both sound INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much for pointing them out to me -- going on my TBR list right now! I've been excited for Future Imperfect for a while too -- it sounds like a really original, sci-fi-y take on precognition. I love your theme!

  27. Missie: I was just thinking about doing it once a month, maybe the first Wednesday. Be free to do it anytime!

    Julie: LOL! You're right: it probably is a good thing he has to wear sunglasses if his eyes are so freaky.

    Juju: Never heard of it but I'm off to look it up right now! Thanks for the rec!

    Melissa: I know! I'm really excite for it too!

    Small Review: You know, I haven't read any reviews for it yet. I may look some up if I find time.

    T.B.: I've been meaning to check out the Marbury Lens. It's sounds like something I would be interested in!

  28. Casey: Thanks! Aren't the premises incredible?!

  29. Yay Aylee, I really want to read more books with male protagonists as well! I'm dying to read all of these, you have impeccable taste:)

  30. I've cut down on doing the meme too. I only do it once in a while now, but I still love seeing everybody else's picks!

    I have never been able to really connect with a book that's told from a male characters POV, so I don't naturally gravitate towards them, but I will check out your picks!

  31. Hmm, perhaps it's different whether the author is male or female...

  32. Have only heard of 0.4. Going to take a look at the other two!

  33. I have Human .4 on my wishlist but I hadn't heard of the other 2. Thanks for including them in your post. :)

  34. I have Human .4 and witch eyes on my list, but I'm definitely looking forward to witch eyes just because it sounds different from others.

  35. I just read a great review on Human .4 its not available in Kindle format to pre-order, so I'm bummed it sounded so good! Guess I'm waiting...

  36. Witch Eyes looks incredible! There's something coming out called Unnatural by Michael Griffo from a series called the Archangel Academy that looks quite good. Awesome WOW!
